Stress has many faces and even more causes.
Because stress is more than just the feeling of being worried or drained.
More precise: It´s the body´s reaction to any changes in our lives.
When your car has a flat tire; ; friends come to stay for a weekend; you get
promoted; you have problems with your co-workers;; a quarrel with your partner;
... It doesen´t matter if it´s a „good“ change or a „bad“ one.
This means that most people are exposed to much higher levels of stress than
they realize.
Moreover, peoples stress tolerance – their ability to deal with stress – is
extremely different and determined by inheritance.
Some stressors are so accute that they effect performance levels, for example,
fear of making phone calls, discomfort of selling, rejection anxiety...
The good news: The ability to eliminate old responses and fears, while releasing
negative stress can be learned.
Which is, what we offer you with our Stress-Busters program.
After years of experience, practice an learning about stress management,
tension and fear we offer you the best of the old and new methods to help
you enjoy your life.
From the fast in-the-minute stress relievers when you instantly need all
of your energy and attention. To some efficient practices which will help you
to increase your stress tolerance step by step. To a unique new process that
reduces situational stress reactions which are based upon limiting beliefs.
Our Situational Stress Reduction Technique (SSRT) can reduce deeply located
stressors within a 10-minute-session. And even better: You will learn how to
apply this technique to use ist whenever it´s needed!
As a starting point and to determine your present level of stress we offer
you a professional stress test. Please ask us, it´s free on demand. » contact@1-focus.com click
here to take the test.
We offer our special Stress-Busters either in person and via phone, as part
of an ongoing coaching cycle or at public seminars.