We at 1–Focus International believe that no one tool or process is inherently better or worse than another. Over the years we have used and implemented many change interventions and are fully trained in a number of behavioral assessments. We use assessments for benchmarking and to measure the results of our change interventions. They are a part of the holistic and systemic programs we offer and not meant to be stand alone tools. Even in the individual coaching, assessments are chosen only when it is clear that they can provide key data and information for action plans. When used for team building, they are integrated into the strategies and objectives that the team establishes.
While each situation is unique, but we have found that assessments can be useful at various stages of a change process:
- When the leadership is not clear about the required competencies needed to make them successful or needs to establish a starting point
- When some general and common understanding about organizational / cultural / group differences would help open up communications and trust
- When members need to measure the overall effectiveness of the team and ensure continuous improvement
While we are training and licensed in a number of valid and reliable psychometric tools, we tend to suggest those that meet the following criteria:
- Consistency with our models and philosophy
- Ease of implementation and use (due to the increasing virtual demand we tend to favor online tools)
- Capacity for multi-language
- Simplicity
- Cost
- Ability for customized and normalized data
1-Focus International recognizes that some form of “benchmarking” is necessary to determine the “what can be” from the “what is”. To this end, we have developed our own proprietary 360 feedback processes that are mapped to core leadership criteria. We have chosen to focus on the collaborative nature of leadership for the future while incorporating the principles of standard leadership competencies. Our 360 degree process includes a coaching program of approximately one year and is tied to our training. It can be offered individually, for the senior team, or organizationally. Partners and Associates of 1-Focus International are certified and experienced in an array of the leading and established assessment tools.
We are pleased to be a fellow with Tilt Inc. and the Preferred Independent Consultants in Europe.