Step 4
Enabling a Truly Shared Vision:
Future Search Employee Ownership
Future Search is a process for change management developed by Marvin Weisbord and Sandra Janoff. In this process diverse groups come to understand each other's perspective and their value, integrate everyone's vision of the future into one agreed upon Shared Vision, so a clear picture of where they want to go and how they want to get there is arrived at. As it is based on the premise of getting »the whole system in the room«, a cross section of the internal and external stakeholders are invited to join, providing the basis for a broad perspective of the situation.
What customarily takes months or years in relationship building and small meetings often transpire in the short time frame of a long weekend. Future Search is a rapid change process quite effective at strategy development based on common ground. While traditional processes often require a good year of evaluation before beginning strategy development, Future Search generates a measurable outcome in only 2.5 days: a Shared Vision, a clear definition of goals, an agreement on new projects, and action plans with commitments of responsibility after having shared the group's view of the past, present, trends and desired future outcomes.
To learn more about our compact Future Search workshop just contact us. |