Shared Visioning
We offer a two- or three day workshop on site or off site that we have found provides an essential first step for any project.
While most people will jump into a project and run with it, we have found that a facilitated »Shared visions« upfront helps ensure that everyone is seeing the same picture, working toward the same outcome and talking about the same thing when using the same words, i.e., clarity and commitment are achieved, saving untold time and money by avoiding the many misunderstandings and conflicts that often arise in projects.
Results are achieved efficiently and effectively. Teams come together working toward the same outcome. Whether these are newly formed teams or long standing ones; cross-cultural or not, the outcomes is greatly enhanced.
Nearly everyone talks about a »shared vision« but hardly anyone has one. »Shared visions« are the key to success. It matters not if you are working as team, changing an entire company or in partnership. Too often we take for granted that everyone is on board with the same picture of where we are heading only to find out often after much time and money invested that the picture each stakeholder held is different. Consequently, what happens is that projects go haywire.
Remember the old story about the CEO who had a clear vision of where he wanted his company to go. He called together his senior staff and told them his vision and then sent them on their way to own the vision and bring it to reality—his version of sharing his vision. His vision soon realized a year later, resembled nothing of what he had in mind. The company managed to reduce costs, had massive layoffs, lost their valuable, key employees, productivity was down and creativity unheard of, while morale sunk to an all time low. His vision: »To increase shareholder value by 15% in the next year!«
Great vision? Sure, if you were the CEO, who was thinking of all the new products he wanted to get out the door and the expansion he had in mind. It is a shame that no one else held the same understanding of his vision that he had in mind.
Ensure clarity and commitment to your companies goals and projects contact with us for more details! |