Leadership Coaching is about:
--Understanding yourself
--Challenging what we believe
--Mastering change
--Seeing the picture from a different perspective
--Going beyond the surface to what lies behind
--Engaging others
--Asking the questions that need to be asked to find the answers that work.
Custom-Stepped Packages may include*:
In-person coaching
2 half day in person, 2 telephone sessions/month for 3 – 6 months
1 half day in person; 3 telephone sessions/month for 3 – 6 months
1 day in person/month for 3 – 6 months
Telephone coaching
Packages range from 4 to10 hours on call or scheduled sessions a month
*all coaching includes email support as needed
Besides our proprietary 360 Collaborative Leadership Assessment other assessments may be recommended or included.
Please see Assessments for more information. |